TERMS & CONDITIONS:ASTROLOGY is not an absolute science. The contents of JOTHIDAR.ORG are based on the astrological calculations, predictions, slogas, sutras, etc. found in various Astrological Books and based on experience and original research. The Calculations are done based upon the data provided by you, namely the date of birth, time of birth (Standard Time), place of birth and lattitude, longitude. Any mistake in the data provided will result in variations in Horoscope and predictions. Advice, predictions, opinions, Matching Reports, etc., received from JOTHIDAR.ORG should NOT be completely relied upon for personal, medical, legal, financial, matrimonial or other decisions. You should also consult an appropriate professional for specific advice to suit your position. It is advised to have a second opinion from another Astrologer of your locality or your family Astrologer, before final decision. Astrological predictions and calculations provided by JOTHIDAR.ORG are based on cumulative or individual knowledge, experience and interpretations of astrologers and as such they may vary from one astrologer to another. You agree that JOTHIDAR.ORG is in no way liable for any consequences that may arise upon your decisions or actions, after reading the contents of the website JOTHIDAR.ORG or the reports generated from the site such as horoscope, Thirumana Porutham, Namakaranam, Bio-rhythmic chart, Consultation Reports, Predictions, Opinions, or emails, etc. JOTHIDAR.ORG guarantees that it shall not use the private or confidential data provided by you for any purpose other than for astrological calculations and for communication of the predictions / astrological charts / latest updates, etc., except if required under law. YOU AGREE to use the JOTHIDAR.ORG website AT YOUR OWN RISK. Please note that JOTHIDAR.ORG does not provide warranty or guarantee for any service. The payment, if any, made by you to JOTHIDAR.ORG is non-refundable, under any circumstance. |